Weekend Walks: The River Weaver from Kingsley
By The Editor
3rd Apr 2021 | Local News

This week's six mile walk, with its mix of woodland, lane, river and field, is perfect for this time of year, its route peppered with the jewel-like colours of spring wildflowers.
Beginning in Kingsley, it dips down over brook after pretty woodland brook, heading with them towards the River Weaver.
There is space to park your car in various locations around Kingsley.
- From the centre of Kingsley, walk up Hollow Lane towards St John's Church.
This thirteenth-century style building was built in 1849-50, based on plans created by famous architect George Gilbert Scott, who was renowned for designing over 40 workhouses. What an unusual claim to fame!
- Turn right onto Pike Lane and follow it round past the new Swallow Close development.
- Passing by one footpath sign, continue on past some farm buildings to a stile on your right.
- This will bring you down through an orchard-like field towards another stile at the bottom of the hill, crowned by a fallen tree propped up by its neighbours.
- Crossing over the stream in this wooded boundary between fields, you'll be struck by the smell of thousands of wild garlic plants, whose bright leaves carpet much of the woodland on this walk.
- Having crossed the stream, come up the slope into the next field, turning right to follow its edge.
- You will reach a sign for a public footpath, which will lead you down to the right and across another wooden bridge, before you emerge into a grassy field.
- Setting out across the field, keep your eyes to the left, watching out for the welcome yellow circle of a footpath sign attached to an old stile on the edge of the grass.
- Once you reach this sign, you will see a further gate up ahead, bringing you out onto a quiet lane.
- Turn right, continue for about a hundred yards and then take a stile to your left. You might see a buzzard wheeling above the woods in front of you.
- Descend the field towards yet another stile, and move in amongst the trees. This patch of woodland has a magical quality to it. The silver trickle of another brook weaves rolling valleys out of the garlic-coated ground, whose rich green is brightened by luminous wood anemones.
- The path will dips down to the water before climbing back up and depositing you in an open field. Turn to your right and head straight across towards a sparse hedgerow.
- As you crest the hill you will see a stile ahead of you. Passing over into the next field, cross straight towards a muddy depression in the earth covered by a wooden bridge.
- Climbing up the hill on the other side, cross over your third field in a row, heading towards a metal gate and stile.
- This will bring you onto a track leading down into another lush wooded dell, where wild garlic is joined by sunny celandines.
- The path will draw you up through a driveway (which is also a public right of way) and onto Bradley Lane.
- Turn right and continue along until the lane becomes a private road leading towards Catton Hall.. Walkers are allowed along this stretch of the lane and you should continue until you see a kissing gate and a sign for the North Cheshire Way on your right.
- At this point, turn left into an open field to join this footpath. Walk straight down to reach the River Weaver. Turn right to walk against the water's flow, tracing its slow meanders as you begin your return to Kingsley.
- Watch out for a kissing gate on the left, which will keep you on the right footpath and bring you through another woodland. Here, you might spot the rich blues of some early bluebells, as well as more wild garlic.
- When the Weaver begins to bend to the left and the path gives onto grassland, take a sharp right – effectively doubling back on yourself - up through the woodland towards a gate.
- Head up through a field and, at an old oak tree, turn left to walk towards a field full of rows of poplars.
- Turn right to skirt round the poplar avenues and follow the edge of the field. Reaching the far right-hand corner, there is a narrow, muddy path which leads over a stile into the next field. It is quite difficult to spot as a fallen branch is obscuring the cross-over, so keep a careful eye out!
- At the end of the next field you will reach a quite momentous milestone: the final stile of this walk!
- Turn left to follow the track back up towards Pike Lane. Turn left again and follow it round until you are returned to the centre of Kingsley.
If you enjoyed this walk, you may want to try another!
Manley and Alvanley. Frodsham and Helsby Hill Primrosehill Wood
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