Planning appeal to adapt Helsby caravan site rejected
By The Editor
12th Mar 2021 | Local News

A planning appeal to continue use of the touring caravan and camping site by Helsby Park Homes for up to a maximum of 10 touring caravans, has been dismissed.
The camp site, which is located just off the A56 down Chestnut Lane, is currently permitted to host up to five caravans or motor homes, plus any number of smaller tents, at a time.
The initial planning application, which also involved the creation of a portable toilet block within the existing building, was similar to another proposal to intensify use of the site which was refused in 2016.
This plan received no objections from Frodsham Town Council, but was rejected by Cheshire West and Chester planning authority, who cited concerns about the development's impact on the Green Belt.
"The proposed use would be intensification of the use of the site for caravan and camping purposes would not enhance the beneficial use of the Green Belt," said case officer, Jill Stephens.
"It would not preserve the openness of the Green Belt and would conflict with the purposes of including land within the Green Belt."
The site also lies within an Area of Significant Local Environmental Value and of Special County Value, which, the Council suggested, might be threatened by the planned changes.
The Council went on to state that "the development would amount to a material change of use," as, while the site already houses caravans, this is through certificated use and depends on the continued granting of permission.
If the site's certificate is not renewed on its expiry, the land would need to revert back to its previous agricultural use, a requirement that would be made impossible by a permanent development of the site.
In their appeal, the applicant stated that the site would continue to be used as a certified location, as there was no realistic prospect of returning to agricultural use.
They added that the proposed changes would allow all members of the public to stay at a site which has thus far been restricted to club member use only.
In conclusion, they stated that the move from a maximum of five to a maximum of 10 caravans would not result in any material expansion to the site, as according to current permissions, the existing caravans can be joined by a potentially 'unlimited' number of tents. Meanwhile, under the proposal, the number of units present would be limited to just 10 caravans.
Therefore, rather than resulting in an encroachment on the countryside, the development would most likely reduce the number of units in use at any one time.
The Planning Inspectorate was not convinced by these arguments.
"Whilst the proposal would not extend beyond the boundary of the existing site it would result in an intensification of the use and a permanent encroachment into the countryside," said inspector Thomas Hatfield.
"The proposal would conflict with the second Green Belt purpose in this regard, which is to prevent neighbouring towns merging into one another.
"The previous Inspector noted that the generally light coloured and reflective surfaces of the caravans would mean that they would be particularly prominent and discordant features in the countryside.
"Moreover, she stated that the intensification of the use, together with associated vehicles, hardstanding, and paraphernalia, would extend the appearance of the built up area into the open countryside on a permanent basis."
The inspector did concede that the application would support employment at the site and encourage visitors to the area, but added that this did not constitute a positive benefit.
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