Local support services available to victims of domestic abuse
By The Editor
12th Jan 2021 | Local News

As we move deeper into the third national lockdown, local authorities in Cheshire would like to remind those suffering domestic abuse of the help available to them.
The Open the Door website contains details of local support services, as well as tips, advice and survivor testimonies.
Supermarkets are supporting these efforts by being part of the Alone at Last campaign.
In 2020, Morrisons began printing information about safe spaces on all of their till receipts, and store staff are ready to help you find a quiet place to call the police or another helpline if you need.
Cheshire Police is also running a live Q & A on domestic abuse matters today, which can be accessed on Facebook from 11am.
If you are in immediate danger, ring the police on 999. If it is not safe to speak, dial '55' during the call so that the operator knows you are in danger.
For non-emergency matters, you can contact the police by calling 101.
Cheshire West's Domestic Abuse Intervention and Prevention Service is available on 0300 123 7047 option 2 (during office hours) and the national 24 hour domestic abuse helpline is on 0808 2000 247.
If you have concerns about a child's welfare or feel they may be being abused or neglected call the Integrated Access and Referral Team (i-ART) on 0300 123 7047 for help and advice.
The team can be contacted 8.30am to 5pm from Monday to Thursday and 8.30am – 4.30pm on a Friday.
If you have an urgent concern outside these hours, or over a bank holiday, please call the Emergency Duty Team (out of hours) on 01244 977277.
If you are worried about someone knowing that you have accessed information about domestic abuse online, you can read detailed safety advice on the Women's Aid website.
More information can be found on the Cheshire West and Chester Council website.
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