Frodsham Town Councillors bring vote of no confidence against Chair
By The Editor
24th Mar 2021 | Local News

A number of Frodsham Town Councillors have supported a vote of no confidence against Council Chair Judith Critchley.
This came as Councillors reviewed the way in which Frodsham Town Council is managed at an extraordinary meeting on Wednesday.
Several Councillors raised concerns over the way in which Cllr Critchley conducted meetings, as well as criticising her handling of Councillor queries, operational errors and ongoing Council issues.
This agenda item also attracted comments from members of the public, including former Councillor, Lucy Sumner, who resigned from FTC in January after being moved into the Zoom 'waiting room' during the budget setting meeting.
Ms Sumner said that Council management, "could really do with a bit more objectivity and willingness to listen. A lot of the problems wouldn't be there if people were prepared to talk instead of argue."
She also highlighted the need for more comprehensive Councillor training, stating that the financial regulations followed by FTC had never been explained to her, and adding: "It feels so frightening to make decisions without all the right information or training.
"I think we could achieve some really special things. We live in a beautiful town – I love Frodsham – and we're supposed to be here to do our best for it. I don't think we're quite hitting the mark with that right now," she concluded.
Another member of the public supported Ms Sumner's position, commenting: "I am appealing to all Councillors to face up to the fact that the leadership of this Council is woefully inadequate, has failed on several counts and thus should be addressed immediately so there is a clear expression of the support that the Chair has in taking this Council forward."
In reaction, Cllr Critchley said: "I want to reiterate that I do not manage this Council.
"For me as Chair of this Full Council, and for the other Committee Chairs, our role is to keep order in the meeting, to keep to the agenda, discuss the business on it and, with Councillors, make decisions.
"As a Council, we collectively manage the Council: it's for all of us to engage in the debate and make decisions.
"I've listened over recent weeks and months to the concerns that have been expressed. I have said that I will endeavour to be clearer when I intervene over comments from Councillors.
"As far as I'm concerned, I have only stopped Councillors from talking when they have deviated from the agenda.
"As far as the Committees are concerned, probably the most contentious Committee we have is Amenities because a lot of decisions have to be made there about how we manage our land assets and play areas.
"I have stood aside from that Committee in the hope that we can now start to get decisions made.
"I have taken on board what you have all said, and I believe that I have made some efforts, but we've not had time for you all to see that the changes I am making are working."
These words were met with opposition from other Councillors, who claimed that Cllr Critchley had not been fulfilling her duties as Chair.
The vote of no confidence was proposed by Cllr Ryan McKeown, who began by reading from a Local Government Resource Centre document, which stated that: "The Chairman [...] is responsible for seeing that meetings are conducted properly with the aim of producing intelligible decisions.
"He or she is also a figurehead in the community and also sets the tone for Councillor conduct."
Cllr McKeown then said: "I don't believe, in my six months on this Council, that meetings under this chairmanship are conducted properly. I don't believe that business outside of these meetings is conducted properly.
"I don't think that you set the tone for Councillor conduct.
"After the issue we had when a Councillor was moved to the waiting room, I emailed you that evening asking for the Staffing Committee meeting to be convened as soon as possible to investigate why that happened. I don't think it ever was, and that worries me.
"I don't think anybody checked on the welfare of [Ms Sumner] after that, and again that worries me. We have a duty of care to our Councillors.
"Although it probably carries no sway, I would like for this Council to formally vote on whether you have their confidence as Chair.
"I think it's important for residents to see how many Councillors still back the Chair, and how many Councillors want to see change, whether now or in May."
Cllr Bernie Wade also spoke in opposition to the Chair, saying: "We try and debate and very often you intervene and say: "this is getting us nowhere, let's move on.""
Cllr Wade then referenced the fact that bills for Frodsham's allotment sites which should have been issued in May 2020 are only now being sent.
"I know you don't manage the Council," she said, "but you are the Chair of the Council. If things are going wrong, I would expect you to step in and say that they are not how they should be.
"Why haven't you addressed, with the Clerk, the fact that the bills for the allotments haven't gone out?
"Surely you should see that – it has been brought up many times – address it and put it right."
Cllr Critchley countered that, as Chair, she does not have the authority to intervene with issues already brought to the Town Clerk's attention by other Councillors.
Cllr Wade continued: "When [Ms Sumner] was put in the waiting room, you made no attempt to say: "that's wrong." That was your responsibility as Chair.
"You arranged a meeting that wasn't suitable for some Councillors, and that ended up with [Ms Sumner] having to attend in the middle of a playing field because she has small children. That was unacceptable.
"Also, in an email to me which I found really disturbing, you accused another Councillor, who you named, of bullying and mischief-making towards the Clerk. If that is the case, why weren't you, as Chair, doing something about it?"
Cllr Critchley replied that she had not arranged the 'unsuitable' meeting, and denied knowledge of the email.
The Council then heard comments from Cllr Caroline Ashton, who said: "I'm speaking from my heart now: this Council has got to sort itself out. I am so frustrated that I can't get anything done."
Cllrs McKeown, Phil Griffiths, Stockton, Wade, Ashton and Helen Hayes voted in favour of the motion of no confidence, while Cllrs Mark Nield, Mallie Poulton, Donna Critchley and Pat Williamson abstained.
If a vote of no confidence is carried by members of a Town Council, no official action is required and the Chair can decide whether to resign or to continue in their role. However, the motion will be recorded on the meeting minutes for the public to consider come the next local election.
Cllr Critchley said that she would 'reflect' on the result of the vote, but did not know exactly how long this would take.
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