BREAKING: Frodsham and Helsby remain in Tier 2 following government review
By The Editor
17th Dec 2020 | Local News

Following the announcement by Health Secretary Matt Hancock today (Wednesday, December 16th), Frodsham and Helsby, as part of Cheshire West and Chester, remain in Tier 2 – 'high alert'.
Infection rates in Cheshire West have been steadily declining since their peak on November 11th, when they hit 324.1 per 100,000 people.
In the week leading up to December 5th, the coronavirus rate was 101 per 100,000, well below the UK average of 154.8.
Since the end of the second national lockdown, infection numbers have crept up slightly once again, but in our area they remain very low.
In the week leading up to December 10th there were 3 cases recorded in Helsby and Kingsley, putting the rate at 32.3 per 100,000.
Covid-19 is only slightly more prevalent in Frodsham, where 6 cases brought the rate to 65.4 in the same period.
As of yesterday (Tuesday) the overall rate for Cheshire West now stands at 116 per 100,000 residents, with 480 new cases recorded in the last seven days.
A Reminder of the Tier 2 Restrictions
Under the restrictions currently applying to Cheshire West and Chester, local residents must not socialise with anyone outside their household or support bubble in any indoor setting.
Outdoors, the rule of six will apply, both in gardens and in public places.
All non-essential retail can stay reopen, along with hairdressers, beauty salons and tattoo parlours.
Public libraries, community centres, swimming pools and golf courses can continue to operate, but must follow tier 2 rules on indoor mixing.
Any hospitality venue functioning as a restaurant may stay open. These establishments can only serve alcohol with a substantial meal, and any businesses dedicated exclusively to serving drinks must remain closed.
Restaurants and pubs must stop taking orders at 10pm, and close at 11pm. However, delivery, takeaway and drive-thru services can continue to sell food and drink after 10pm.
Members of the public can attend both indoor and outdoor sport and business events, as long as the number of spectators present is kept at whichever is lower: 50 per cent of the seating capacity, 2,000 people outdoors or 1,000 people indoors.
Places of worship can continue to hold services as long as social contact rules are observed.
Weddings can go ahead, with a limit of 15 guests. 30 people can attend funeral ceremonies, but only 15 may continue on to any further commemorative event or wake.
Organised outdoor sport and exercise classes can continue, but organised indoor sport will only be permitted if it is possible for people to avoid mixing with those they do not live with.
Frodsham and Helsby residents must continue to follow tier 2 rules at all times, even if they have entered a tier 1 area.
You are also advised to avoid travelling to tier 3 areas other than for work, education, to receive medical treatment or to fulfil caring responsibilities.
In general, people should aim to reduce the number of journeys they make where possible.
As has been the case throughout the borough's time in lockdown and Tier 2, there are several exemptions to the restrictions on social gatherings.
Indoor inter-household mixing is allowed if the people concerned belong to the same support bubble, are providing care or charitable services, are birth partners, are visiting someone who is terminally ill, are prospective adoptive parents meeting a child, are moving house or are providing emergency assistance.
Children's play groups and formal support groups may continue, subject to certain infection control measures.
You can read full details of the restrictions and exemptions on the Gov.UK
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