From Helsby Hillside Primary School to Alvanley Cricket Club: the latest local projects to be awarded grants by the Marshes Community Benefit Fund
By The Editor
21st May 2021 | Local News

The Marshes Community Benefit Fund (MCBF) has named the local projects set to benefit from the ninth round of funding since the Fund was established in 2016.
Six initiatives and organisations from Frodsham, Helsby and Alvanley have been awarded a total of £44,000 from the annual £120,000 allocated by Frodsham Wind Farm Limited to community-led projects.
MCBF panel member, Joycey Bailey, said: "We are again, at the first of the twice yearly MCBF's awards.
"Again, due to the lockdown restrictions the Panel met virtually, something we were not expecting, however, we like many in the country, have become very used to meeting via Zoom.
"The Panel members analysed each of the applications and performed due diligence to ensure that they were able to agree to award just under £44,000 to six worthy recipients, from Helsby, Frodsham and Alvanley, whose applications met the award criteria and offered ventures that would benefit the local community.
"Are you part of a not-for-profit school, charity, business, community group or club considering a project which will benefit the local community?
"Have you considered that your project might meet the criteria for funding from the MCBF?
"If so, we would love to hear from you, please consider applying. Even if you have applied in the past and not been successful, you can re-apply.
"Guidelines for applications and details of the award process are available on the MCBF website..
The successful applicants in this round of funding are as follows:
Helsby Community Sports Club
Having recently moved to its new site, housing new purpose-built sporting facilities and club house, HCSC was successfully awarded a grant of £9,200 towards the purchase of 2 pitch side dugouts and 4 foldable football mini goals.
The dugouts will provide shelter from the elements for local teams who train and compete at the facility. This will ensure protection against not only inclement weather for those using the football pitches but also shelter for the bowlers from both the inclement weather and the sun.
It is hoped that the shelters will also mean that the club's facilities are more accessible for users of all ages and abilities. The mini goals will allow tournaments to take place for juniors and school holidays.
Alvanley Cricket Club
Alvanley Cricket Club prides itself in providing safe and nurturing environment where the local community can access physical activity, regardless of age ability or gender.
The Panel awarded £3,862 towards providing two new bowling machines, one for the juniors and one for the seniors, this will make an immeasurable difference to the development of the batters throughout the club.
Providing a machine for both the junior and senior members will increase capacity and allows batters from all parts of the club to access a very necessary resource.
Association of Frodsham Townfield Allotments
Townfield Allotments was awarded £2,000. The Association has responsibility for maintaining the physical infrastructure of the site such as cutting hedges and grass tracks, ensuring various water supply looking after the paths.
The funds awarded will go towards upgrading to the grass tracks to an all-weather gravel surface, link and into an all-weather path through much of the site. This new surface will be suitable for wheelbarrows, wheelchairs and buggies which will enable more users by providing people with easy access throughout the year.
4th Frodsham Scouts
The Scouts will receive a sum of £15,000 go towards a further phase of their planned works to improve storage space and access as the club's use grows.
This includes replacing the current canoe shed, which is currently out of bounds due to being in a state of disrepair.
Improvements to the outside space will ensuring activities at the Scout hut are not solely weather dependent, especially if Covid measures are put in place again in the future, which would necessitate increased time being spent outdoors.
As the club continues to improve its facilities and accessibility, more users will be encouraged to use the Scout Hut. The planned improvements once completed, will enable the Club to reduce its waiting list as the centre would be able to increase troop numbers, thus benefiting many more willing recruits.
Helsby Hillside Primary School
Helsby Hillside has been granted a sum of £6,650 towards a key stage two (KS2) 'outdoor gym'.
With over 130 pupils in their KS2 year group, the school currently has no outdoor equipment for the year group to use for physical health and mental wellbeing within the playground area.
The school has a 'Get Active' initiative, which promotes the benefits and correlation of increased physical activity on pupils' health and mental wellbeing and attainment the classroom.
The project will provide Hillside pupils, and other community groups who will have access to the premises, with a safe play area for them to exercise in.
OPAL services
Opal Services have been awarded £7,000 towards an ongoing project 'developing digital inclusion' services for local older people and their carers.
By providing people who currently have limited or no access to the digital world, the project will allow an opportunity for older people and their carers to sample a variety of communication platforms and equipment selected, based on their individual needs and capabilities.
The project will support providing access to services such as online banking, shopping, and to health-and well-being related services.
The project will also give people a chance to increase their day-to-day social interaction with family and friends via platforms such as Facetime, Skype, Zoom etc. Participants in the MCBF area will receive 1-2-1 mentoring support, tailored to their specific requirements, with each participant being individually monitored and assessed to evaluate their needs and learning experience.
The MCBF Panel meets again in the autumn to consider all applications submitted by the 31st August 2021 deadline.
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