Frodsham PCSO suggests 'Street a Week' policing scheme for Saltworks Playing Fields
By The Editor
23rd Mar 2021 | Local News

Frodsham's Police Community Support Officer, Neil Flanagan, has suggested that Saltworks Farm Playing Fields may be the focus of a new 'Street a Week' policing scheme.
Saltworks has been the focus of increased police and resident attention of late, as reports of antisocial behaviour at the site grow in number.
The Street a Week initiative would involve a week-long period of increased police presence at certain streets and public spaces across the town, including the Waterside ward play area.
As well as deterring criminal activity in these areas, it would allow police officers to engage with the local community and work in conjunction with residents.
At a Frodsham Town Council meeting on Monday 22 March, PCSO Flanagan said: "We have seen an increase in antisocial behaviour at Saltworks over recent weeks, with larger groups gathering most nights and generally being noisy and disruptive.
"We have had the play equipment set alight, reports of a youth claiming to be in possession of a knife, as well as possible drug dealing in the area.
"We're fire-fighting at the moment; it's very difficult."
PCSO Flanagan believes that, instead of simply responding to incidents at Saltworks when they occur, the Street a Week scheme might help pave the way for a lasting solution to the problem.
"It's not supposed to be a question of: "The police are here so I'll scarper," it's about talking to these children and finding out what they're doing and why they're doing it. It's about intelligence gathering from members of the public as well," PCSO Flanagan said.
"If it doesn't work we'll try something else. We've got a problem-solving team based in Blacon who will look into this and see if there are other things we can do.
"I've been doing the job for 14 years but I don't always get it right. I am sure that there are things I have probably missed and not thought about, but let's give it a go.
"In the summer, we're planning on utilising Saltworks a bit more so that it is used for the right reasons.
"The Youth Club run activities in Castle Park in the summer but not down at Saltworks. If we're allowed to, let's see if we can run some sort of event at Saltworks."
PCSO Flanagan also informed Councillors that he would be endeavouring to patrol Saltworks at times when antisocial behaviour is more likely to occur, such as evenings and weekends.
Patrols will also be stepped up at Frodsham Caves and Memorial Field, following reports of gatherings, loud music, drug taking and dealing at these locations.
In response to this, Cllr Phil Griffiths said: "This is all very reactive. We know things are going to happen at certain times around the Caves and the Memorial Field.
"Is it too much to ask that regular patrols take place to discourage people, especially drug dealers, from settling there in the first place? We're seeing regular emails from residents saying that they have headlights shining in their houses and loud music playing all the time.
"I think we need something a bit more proactive."
In relation to Saltworks play area, Cllr Bernie Wade said: "I'm really concerned about the situation there. It seems to be getting bigger and bigger by the night and I can't see how a week of police presence is really going to stop that. I think maybe we need to have a lot more patrol cars around at the moment.
"The more it's [mentioned on social media] the more the kids see it and think it is fun. They're coming from all over now, and we're talking about nine and 10-year-olds."
PCSO Flanagan replied: "These children should not be allowed out. I'm not a childminder, I work for the police and I patrol when I'm on duty, but when I'm not on duty our resources are limited.
"Unfortunately, during Covid, there are a lot more people in our force who are isolating or shielding, so our numbers are depleted even further. I'm not trying to make excuses but that's the way it is."
PCSO Flanagan then urged residents to call 101 if they see any suspicious activity at Saltworks. The more people that report antisocial behaviour at the site, the more likely it is to be flagged up as an area of concern requiring heightened police presence.
If you cannot get through on the phone, there is an online form that you can fill in for the police to respond to when possible.
Several Councillors expressed concerns about the Street a Week initiative, with Cllr Bill Stockton wondering whether enough tangible action was being taken to deter criminal activity and Cllr Ryan McKeown suggesting it might simply "move the problem somewhere else."
In response, PCSO Flanagan said: "If Street a Week pushes the problem elsewhere, we'll manage that but we don't know that that is going to happen."
Over the month of March, over 350 people have signed petition calling for Saltworks' skate park to be upgraded and its floodlights switched on It is believed that this might help to make the area a more secure and inclusive space for people of all ages to use.
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