Helsby Concert Band celebrates first anniversary
By The Editor
3rd Sep 2020 | Local News

After weathering a year defined by uncertainty and separation, Helsby Concert Band has just reached the first anniversary of its creation.
The ensemble was set up by brass and piano teacher Jacky Keating, who already runs bands at Helsby Hillside Primary School and Helsby High School.
"I thought it would be nice for us to have an outside group where the high-schoolers and the primary-schoolers could mix," she said. "I also had lots of friends and family, older people who also played, and I thought it would be nice if we could all come together."
The band has since welcomed a wide range of ages and abilities, from nine-year-olds who are just starting out, to septuagenarians who have been playing their instrument for decades.
They have performed on the floats at last year's Ho Ho Helsby Christmas celebrations, brought Strictly Come Dancing to a local tea dance meeting, and played concerts at various schools and churches in the area.
Saxophonist, Mike Gann, tells me that being part of an ensemble has proved an invaluable way of improving his own musical level.
"If you just play on your own you don't have to play in time. You should, but you don't have to. But as soon as you are with other people you've got to be spot on. And that's taken me a while to get to grips with!
"The music is lovely, and some of the things that we are attempting to do now are really very enjoyable, so if we can keep going, even with the Covid restrictions, then that will be great," he adds.
While the coronavirus lockdown has scuppered many of the band's plans for 2020, its members have still been keeping in touch over weekly Zoom quizzes. When government restrictions on social gatherings were relaxed, they even held a couple of outdoor rehearsals, serenading the summer evenings.
For the 75th anniversary of VE Day in May, the band also coordinated a remote performance of Dame Vera Lynn's wartime classic 'We'll Meet Again', which you can watch on their Facebook page.
Now that lockdown has eased, weekly rehearsals have begun again in St. Paul's Church in Helsby, where passersby might hear strains from songs as diverse as 'The White Cliffs of Dover', Portugal. The Man's 'Feel It Still', and the theme tune to The Flintstones.
Although indoor concerts are still off the cards, Jacky is hoping that her band may be able to start performing outside as the Christmas season approaches.
If you play a brass, woodwind or percussion instrument and are interested in joining Helsby Concert Band, you can get in touch via Facebook or email ([email protected]). Covid restrictions permitting, Jacky is always happy to welcome new members!
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