Coronavirus update: fewer than 10 new cases in our area
By The Editor
10th Mar 2021 | Local News

As most children return to school for the first time since January, the Covid-19 infection rate in Frodsham and Helsby is looking better than it has since September.
In the seven days up to March 5, the number of cases recorded in Frodsham halved to five, resulting in a rolling rate of 55 per 100,000 people.
The situation was even more promising in the rural area encompassing Helsby, Kingsley, Manley and Alvanley, where only three cases made for a rate of 32 per 100,000.
This single figure trend is repeated across the vast majority of Cheshire West wards, most of which have a rolling rate of 100 per 100,000 or lower.
The average rate for the borough as a whole is 60.6 per 100,000 residents, which is the lowest it has been since September 24 and just 0.2 per cent higher than the national figure.
In the last seven days, 202 people across west Cheshire have tested positive for Covid-19, which is a third fewer than in the previous week.
And as case numbers fall, the vaccination rollout continues in earnest. By Thursday 4 March, 263,503 Cheshire residents had received at least their first dose. That's 95 per cent of over-65s.
It is gratifying to see that – both on a local and national level – our efforts have succeeded in driving case numbers down, and with the government roadmap in mind, we can look forward to a gradual easing of lockdown.
However, Cheshire Police have today urged residents to 'stay local and follow the guidance', to help keep infections under control as we move into the first stage in the easing of lockdown.
"The public can now visit local public outdoor place to take part in recreation with their own household or one other person from outside their household," Cheshire Police said.
"Following the changes officers will continue to engage and explain the rules with the public but will move to enforce when met with blatant and repeat breaches."
Assistant Chief Constable Jenny Sims added: "As we move into spring and summer we know that more people will be visiting beauty spots across Cheshire.
"If you are visiting beauty spots for recreation or exercise, only do so with members of your household/bubble or one person from outside your household.
"Please also think, is it necessary to travel to a beauty spot to do this, or can you do it more locally to your home?
"It is really important that although you can now meet up recreationally you must still stay at home as much as possible to continue to keep the infection rate down."
Cheshire Police also reported that since lockdown began in January, the force has issued by than 1,273 Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) to individuals found to be breaking the rules.
Source: NHS England and Public Health England
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